Since the first week of June there have been a number of internet posts claiming that Microsoft are planning to dump the .NET platform in a bid to be seen as pursuing a platform independent strategy. For example:
This article provides a more balanced look at the story:
The Microsoft Windows division have recently announced that they are providing HTML5 and Javascript APIs in Windows 8, and haven’t mentioned any planned new .NET features. As a result, some .NET developers have been demanding to know what Microsoft plans are for .NET. The Microsoft response has been, wait and see – we’ll explain all at the Build event in September. As a result theres a lot of hysteria about .NET being flushed down the toilet.
This announcement has basically been about the UI on Windows clients. The VS team has been working on better HTML5/Javascript support since VS 2010 came out last year. So Microsoft have decided the future of the UI involves HTML5/Javascript. So does virtually every other vendor. I wouldn’t be surprised if they do deprecate WPF and/or Silverlight and replace these with a new Windows client presentation technology, as there has been a disappointing takeup of these technologies.
I think that it is highly unlikely that Microsoft are going to expect developers to write middle tier components in Javascript, or any other dynamically typed language that lacks the safety of a static type system. I have not seen any mention of any plans to replace the CLR with new middleware. So I think it likely that the .NET platform will continue to be used for application services. There is a lot of .NET middleware functionality like WCF that is also going to have to be replaced if they retire the whole platform.
As far as the UI on web applications goes, again they have been providing better support for HTML5/Javascript, and have integrated support for the open source jQuery framework. The VS team are working on improving client side HTML5/Javascript debugging tools. They are still going to provide a web application framework to support HTML5/Javascript application development. If they keep the .NET platform, then I think it likely they will continue to develop ASP.NET to support HTML5 features.
This story is more about mismanaged communications with the developer community than anything else.
It should also be noted that much of the hype behind this story is coming from open source protagonists. It should also be pointed out that periodically Java gets a kicking in response to a bungled Oracle management initiative. For example:
Before coming to any firm conclusions about the death of .NET I suggest we wait and see what Microsoft announces in September.